Meaning It | Teen Ink

Meaning It

March 4, 2012
By marissasmiles BRONZE, Toronto, Other
marissasmiles BRONZE, Toronto, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live as if there's no second chances.

We all say things we don't mean
To hurt, to get sex, or to be heard.

We all do things we don't mean
Laugh or smile, or hit, or cry.

What do we mean?
Do you love her?
Do you want him to go away?
Do you just want someone to have?

"I love you"
Is used too much
But meaning it,
doesn't happen enough.

Apologies too,
It seems are faked
Or forced, and we still take them
Even if the insincerity is obvious.

We all do things and say things
That we don't mean.
Does that mean we should continue?

We do it, they did it, in the future they will still.
They'll lie and cheat for so many reasons.

To hurt
To guard
To be guarded
For sex
For love.

But when we do mean the things we say and do, how do we know?

We separate the truths in our minds, and somehow it's okay.

People may need that hidden place inside them. To push someone else away, or to fill a need. Doesn't mean it's right.

Just means, it happens.

The author's comments:
It's all around us, lies and cheating, and pretending.

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