If I Were Numb | Teen Ink

If I Were Numb

March 6, 2012
By havecouragetocontinue DIAMOND, Los Alamos, New Mexico
havecouragetocontinue DIAMOND, Los Alamos, New Mexico
67 articles 36 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Success is not final, Failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts."
-Winston Churchill-

If I were numb,

To the pain,

To the burn,

To the lies.

If I were numb,

To the needles

In my nerves,

As I cry.

If I were numb,

To the sorrow,

To the anger,

To the fear.

If I were numb,

To every diagnosis,

Every joke,

Every tear.

If I were numb,

To the hate

That I feel

For myself.

If I were numb,

To the relationships,

To the joy

I put on the shelf.

If I were numb,

To every word,

To every look

Sent my way.

If I were numb,

Then I would have


Left to say.

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