I Remember | Teen Ink

I Remember

March 6, 2012
By Anonymous

I remember
I remember the little girl whose future was bright
I remember the little girl that loved life
I remember that little girl who tried so hard
I remember that little girl who loved her father

I remember the daddy walking to her room
I remember the daddy easing her into doom
I remember the daddy that told the little girl to go to hell
I remember that hit the little girls face
I remember the daddy that misinterpreted his little girl got his girlfriend

I remember the uncle that was her best friend
I remember the uncle that traded her virginity for a nickel and a dime
I remember the uncle that said he loved her
I remember the uncle that left her at the same tme

I remember that little girl
Who thought her life was lost
I remember her clearly now
She had hopes and dreams
She was smart and aspired to be
The greatest person this world would ever see

I remember that little innocent girl
She was nothing but a puppet
Her uncle and fathers spawn
I remember that little girl whose two monsters in life are now gone

The author's comments:
This poem was all about letting go.

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on Mar. 8 2012 at 1:51 am
SassyJones GOLD, Los Altos Hills, California
13 articles 5 photos 91 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We make our fourtunes, and we call them fate" earl of beaconsville.

powerful- i like.