Weakened | Teen Ink


February 25, 2012
By Sundown19 SILVER, Anna, Texas
Sundown19 SILVER, Anna, Texas
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never underestamate the power of the eyebrow
-Jack Black

A runny nose
Soar throat and all
I got the package
What a fall
My day was going pretty well
Woke up with "this"
A gift box that smells
Like sweat and lotion
Icky, cherry stuff
You're supposed to swallow it whole
Every drop
I drink my root beer to chase
Out the taste
A couple steps
Then I have to take a break
I can barely talk
Voice on and off
Some bad grades
Put the cherry on top
Homework, stew, and packing
For a trip
Hope I'll be better
Hope I make it
I'm not weak
My older brother
Beats me down every day
Verbal and he punches me
Like a daily routine
Stay strong, move on
Push the obstacles out of my way
My mom taught me one of her
Most favorite saying
"Shake it off"
It comes in handy
Here and there
When I hurt my ankle
Had my first charlie horse
Or really anything
Including fear
In a couple of days
I'll be putting up dishes
With out any help
No sleeping with the fishes
Nope, nope, nope
I'll get there soon enough
Make it to the top
Ring the bell when
I'm finished
Climbing that rope

The author's comments:
If you can tell, I'm sick. And I wasn't too happy, so basically I just wrote about it. I pretty much lost my voice, but that didn't stop me from doing all the fun stuff....it would've been better if I just relaxed and stayed home, but I was not going to let being sick get the best of me. Hope you like it.

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