Where Dreams Come True | Teen Ink

Where Dreams Come True

February 25, 2012
By ZekeKana GOLD, St. Peters, Missouri
ZekeKana GOLD, St. Peters, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

A land
"Where dreams come true"
and every year
our family puts their differences aside
in hopes to enjoy a cherish-able family vacation.

In a magical hotel on Disney ground,
the plastic keycard unlocks the door.
With a swipe and a beep,
the black door clicks open.
A cool draft bursts out of the brightly colored room,
and the smell of freshly cleaned linen fills the air.

Drew and I enter first.
Instantly we try to claim our beds,
but just as fast,
a fight breaks out.

"I want the bed near the window!"
"I already called it!"
Drew's face begins to turn red.
Shouting and screaming,
like a four-year-old in a Toys R' US.
My mom takes my side,
which only makes him more furious.

Mickey-shaped pillows begin to fly,
then the vibrant red sheets,
followed by a weak toss of his Goofy suitcase.

A one minute dispute,
turned into a 3 hour scream fest,
then into an entire miserable vacation
of pouting and resistance.
Drew had somehow managed to ruin
yet another vacation.
For our family...
For me.

The author's comments:
poem 3 in memoir

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