The complicated game | Teen Ink

The complicated game

March 1, 2012
By llyoung BRONZE, Springfield, Illinois
llyoung BRONZE, Springfield, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It warms your heart,
makes you feel as light as air.
After the sun sets on the happiness,
the words flow endlessly

as time goes by thoughtlessly,
Intertwined so deep, that one action changes all of fate.
The words that come out go through one’s head capturing them under the invisible chains,
pulling them deeper into the dark abyss.
In the abyss they meet their fate, their choice in life to what comes next,
then time comes to, the dream is done.
The future fate has flashed right passed,
the outcome of this fate the never ending game they must play.
The lies and truths that must come out to play the game,
To play the complicated game of love.

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