Honey to Do List | Teen Ink

Honey to Do List

February 16, 2012
By Anonymous

Tingling sensations on the tippy top of my head,
My friends give me tender kisses
As the breeze brushes slowly, abstractly
In a soothing rhythmic dance;
Our green bodies sway along
With the gentle melody

The dew that greets us in the morning
Makes friends with the sun
And flies into the clouds to visit
Life is rushed into my being,
The sun gleaming off my smiling face
As we grow merrily towards the sky
I am soothed by bare feet
Running carefree through,
My gentle blades

Screams of the innocent being slaughtered
Catch my fibrous ears
The weekend ritual has begun
Why must we be stifled?
And cut into neat orderly rows?
The closer the creature gets
My roots tremble
In the wake of this massive shaking

The colossal monster moves rapidly
Its severing blades cut
We scream
Inaudible to the world
Families are torn from the only roots they know
My fate is inevitable absolutely unavoidable

I clench my mouth tight
Brace myself for the worst
Stillness sets in
It goes dark
The beast’s breath lingers

Empty tank
Cursing permeates the air
Lives safe, spared, released
From the grips of the monster
Its eyes awake

The author's comments:
It is in the perspective of grass on chore day.

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