Unspoken | Teen Ink


February 15, 2012
By Dancingchick7 BRONZE, Coon Rapids, Minnesota
Dancingchick7 BRONZE, Coon Rapids, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Language is not just a bstring of feeble letters
That are strung to create a powerful sentence
Hard as a gem, sharp as a knife, twisted like a tree
Doing cartwheels in the air plunging towards you
Language can be the movement of your limbs
Your body thumping to the beat of your heart
Pounding out a rhythm for the world to interpret
To shy to let your voice ring out and be heard
So you settle for the language of dance
Instead of washing away lingering words
Resonating beneath the surface
Wanting so badly to crack through the silver ice
Commanding your brain to let it pour through
But since you don't listen
It takes over your movements
Giving your body a celestial feel
Raising up up to soar into the heavens
Rosy red dots accompanying your pale cheeks
Queen of all smiles glints in the moonlight
Natural beauty melting the world
Dazzling white light exploding
Blindinjg the world but of one thing
The girl with the perfect pointed toes
Soft tense muscles
Belting out a song she can't ever speak

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