World Of Hate | Teen Ink

World Of Hate

February 7, 2012
By SabrinaReinhart SILVER, Bloomville, Ohio
SabrinaReinhart SILVER, Bloomville, Ohio
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When Im sad, I sing, because then I realize my voice is worst than my problems.

Born in a world full of hate... Nothing but pain, anger, agony, and misery. So much sarrow... People constantly fighting and yelling. No such thing as love or happiness. Cant take this suffering anymore. So alone... I'd rather be dead, then live in this world... Sick and tired of every-ones bullshit. No matter how hard I try, I cant become happy. I cant fall in-love without feeling guilty, as if im betraying someone.. I'm so used to the anger, hate, agony, and misery, its like im drowning in it. I'm starting not to feel anything anymore. I dont have any real friends, and I dont think my family even wants me around.. I was born in world full of hate, pain, anger, agony, and misery... I don't even want to breathe anymore.. This is my world.. So full of hate...

The author's comments:
This is the world around me.

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