Vampire! | Teen Ink


February 16, 2012
By Dia Yusupova BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
Dia Yusupova BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fangs as sharp as a knife
Eyes that hypnotize you into the night

Morphs as swiftly as a puma
Nails as harmful as daggers ready to strike
Dark as evil that loathes the light
Hungry for its first bite like a baby at midnight
Sneaks as cunningly as a fox to catch its prey
Silent as a fly on the wall
Standing crooked like a voodoo doll
Attacks a mortal from behind to drink the mouthwatering red wine
Done with its dinner it’s time for dessert
Tries to catch another victim as sly as a snake
Tricked by the human as Tom is by Jerry
A stench of garlic fills the air like a fresh baked pie
The peasant cries out loud like Leonidas in a fight
Before the vampire can see,
Blind as a bat
The peasant yells, “Die!” with a jagged steak in his right hand
These creatures are unnoticeable like Batman at night
So beware for the demons that are out for a bite

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