Prized Possession | Teen Ink

Prized Possession

February 14, 2012
By kelly brinkman BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
kelly brinkman BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The one day I saw you, I knew it was right.
I know that I picked you, but it felt like you chose me.
I brought you home to my family,
They were all amazed by your appearance.
No doubt about it, you were my favorite.
Sitting on you, made me feel real.
Your support was all that I needed
But sadly, as time went on, you wore down.
It seemed like the bigger my love grew, the less you could hold?
I guess one day, you couldn’t hold me anymore.
When I went to you, you broke.
Now that you are broken, my family just sees you as another piece of furniture.
I watched them put you out of my life as you waited by the curb to be picked up.
I couldn’t just let go like that, I needed something to remind me of you.
But I realized, I can’t be happy with only part of you.
No point in keeping something that can never be fixed.
Sad isn’t it? Prized possession turns into worthless trash because it can’t hold the pressure anymore.
Yes, I will have to find a new one and yes, you did make me afraid to trust again with the fear of falling,
But it’s part of life, and I will have to deal with it.
Maybe I’ll see you again someday, bring back all those memories I cherished.
But I’ll walk away knowing you taught me how to catch myself.

The author's comments:
This guy that I do not like anymore really inspired me to right this. I hope that girls will get from this that they always have to keep going after a breakup and that he only makes you stronger than before.

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