Preparation - A Sestina | Teen Ink

Preparation - A Sestina

February 14, 2012
By Joseph Miller BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Joseph Miller BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All over the world, Olympians were sent
From to become a fearsome presence
In the 2014 winter Olympics, Czech
Republic players come to play and skate
In the greatest sport ever, hockey. Bear
Like Russians left their plane, already smelling like wine

They looked so skilled and powerful , but why whine?
Even though they were hairy, and with ferocious scent
We have played hard, until our very back were bare
Training like animals to create such a presence
Where we can shoot, pass, and quickly skate.
To be the best, and represent the great Czechs.

The Olympics is not a matter of medals for us Czechs
We must beat the Russians before we crack bottles of wine
Our team sits silently on the bench, sharpening skates.
The locker room was carrying a certain scent,
Of lemony fresh pine-sol, nobody cared for the presense
To find the source. Our minds were completely bare.

We were all focusing on taking out Ivanov, the bear
Sized , star center on the Russian team. The Czechs
Didn’t have a player that had such a monstrous presence.
The sheer size of him would have any normal player whining
But to beat this man and his team down is why we were sent
It didn’t matter if it took all 6 of us, we would knock him off his skates.

“Here comes the Czech Republic team!” was announced as we skated
On the ice. I skated out and saw my opponent, the mighty bear
Of Russia, Ivanov. To think, the shortest player was sent
To try and compete with him. Then again, I was the fastest of the Czechs.
Perhaps they thought they thought I could out speed him, I whined.
I guess this year I’ll be receiving body checks instead of presents.

The russians were already there, they carried quite a presence.
Our only mission was to not overpower, just out skate
Them, and if we win, we deserve more than some wine
This will be the hardest task of our lives, fighting bears
Like the opponents, national pride of the entire Czech
Republic lies on our shoulders, I carry it all, that’s why I was sent.

No more time to whine, the game’s presence
Was tense, the scent was sharper than my skates
My mind was bare, there’s the puck, Czechs.

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