In order to forgive | Teen Ink

In order to forgive

February 13, 2012
By katwood612 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
katwood612 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You

You can put on a facade but I see you for who you are.
Don’t be hurt by her. She is an anchor to your being.
She hurts like a bee sting but you must be strong.
Her broken gifts show her broken self. They reflect her not you.
She’s blind to the fact that you’re beautiful.
She’s blind to the fact that you do amount to something.
She cannot love you because she doesn’t love herself.
She cannot appreciate you because she’s jealous that she can’t bring you down.
She forgets your name intentionally because she sees the lion inside and she’s scared to call its name.
Her words are strong but your actions are stronger.
She sits and gossips while you go and do.
Turn your back on her and you’ll be better off.

Do you want her to be right?
Do you want to be useless and hollow like a broken doll?
I wish you would see she’s not worth the time.
Love those who deserve it. Don’t waste it on stones.
Her legacy is the epitome of weakness. You can change that.
She’s not strong enough to proclaim her faith but you are.
You are beautiful. You are strong. You are worthy of love.

The author's comments:
Gratefulness stems from triumphs and failures. It's neither chosen or ignored. You can't avoid it or truly accept it; but it's always there. Examine your conscious and you'll find it.

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