The sound of the rain | Teen Ink

The sound of the rain

January 28, 2012
By smilemonkeylover SILVER, Whitewater, Wisconsin
smilemonkeylover SILVER, Whitewater, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...its about learning to dance in the rain

the sound of the rain

the boy who stood alone, facing the world on his own
hiding his smiles behind the pain
bleeding to
the sound of the rain
the boy who i never knew
turned out to be no different from me or you
the boy with the tear in his eye
dreaming of the day he could fly
fearless became destiny
letting his imagination run free
the beauty of his pale white face
and how he snapped his fingers
humming, humming
gravity pulling him closer to insane
bleeding to the sound of the rain
the sound of the rain
consider this
being alone
with no mother
no father
no place to call home
the boy who stood alone facing the world on his own
if someone could have saved him from it all
caught him instead of letting him fall
how he could have been one of us
living life without the fuss
his future could have been amazing
who we think we are
we really don't know
but i am positive
this boy did so
they say there is no reason to loose a life
but i believe he was getting annoyed with the strife
so sad someone so perfect had to leave
but the dark sky tonight says we all bleed
so here's to that boy
the one who lost his world
over something as little as a mean boy or girl

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