Fresh painting | Teen Ink

Fresh painting

February 8, 2012
By LydiaR. SILVER, Norwood, Massachusetts
LydiaR. SILVER, Norwood, Massachusetts
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I feel like a fresh painting.
I'm black and white and grey,
But it seems water is washing me away

I hoped to had been permanent,
I really wanted to stay.
Everythings been going wrong.
I really don't know what to say.

Everythings lost it's taste.
Everythings so bland.
Everything is grey.

Why can't I find something colorful?
My life used to be pink yellow blue and purple,
Now all I seem to find is black white and grey.
My life seems to have dulled.

I find no reason to live,
No reason to smile.

Maybe, I'm turning bitter

The things in life which once made me bright
Now seem to be washing me away.

I'm a painting on a canves.
My painters thrown water on me
And all I seem to be able to do
Is slowly slide down.

I feel like a fresh painting.
I'm black and white and grey
But it seems water is washing me away

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