Two Words | Teen Ink

Two Words

January 18, 2012
By smile190 SILVER, Houston, Texas
smile190 SILVER, Houston, Texas
8 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hakuna matata, what a wonderful phrase. Hakunah matata, ain't no passing phase. It means no worries, for the rest of your life. It's our problem free philosophy, hakuna matata!"~Lion King

The silence of night,
emotions running high.
True love is near,
contently I sigh.

Three words she says,
the same I throw back.
I am so lost in her,
I claim it a fact.

Two more words I ask,
forced down to one knee.
I want to be hers,
if mine she will be.

Into her face,
I stare with a grin.
Guilty as charged,
if love is a sin.

Breathless and waiting,
I hear the bells ring.
And a wondrous song,
do those church bells ring.

Now one final word,
it does seal our fate.
All left for us now,
to find the right date.

Can you infer,
what becomes of us now?
As we stand on that alter,
and each take a vow?

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