a love letter | Teen Ink

a love letter

January 16, 2012
By milania SILVER, Southeuclid, Ohio
milania SILVER, Southeuclid, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
love is to strong of a emotion to not feel

Dear love,

Remember when we told each other we would be together forever.

Do you remember the time I stood in the rain just to see you.

I remember each word you have ever told me have ever whisper in my ear.

Where has that gone, where’s the guy who made me feel like I was the greatest thing on earth.

I remember there was a time when all you ever did was stare at me now you barely even look at me. You just act like I’m nothing to you. I don’t get any more whispers in my ear. The more I think about how things use to be I want it back. I want you to come and hug me when everything is going bad, I want you to spend the night again and talk to me like you use to. I want to know why. Why is it you found someone new to replace me? Can you even look me in the eyes anymore; can you tell me you love me still and that I’m still your soul mate? If I walk up to you right now would you listen to me would you wipe my tears off my face and say its ok? Every day I feel like my world has been destroyed. My heart is broken more than anyone can know. I open up my heart and soul to you and you just tossed them out like they were nothing. I wish every day that this is just a dream that I will wake up and all this just be a nightmare. I want to call you darling but how when it looks like you never want to hear a thing from me again. I want to say I love you sweetheart but I feel like it will fall on def. ears. I want to say come back to me and keep me with you. We are meant for each other and it’s plain to see. I know you really don’t want to be with me so I will spread my wings. I will not let you see me cry because deep inside I know you will die. You once told me if u lost me you would be empty inside. I never told you this but you leaving me make me sometimes wanting to die. I see every one so happy with love while I sit around wishing for my love. Can I ask you an honest question? Would you tell me nothing but the truth or would you walk away just to avoid the question?

The author's comments:
this poem is very dear to me

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