Game to Fake | Teen Ink

Game to Fake

February 6, 2012
By iiWriter BRONZE, Rutledge, Missouri
iiWriter BRONZE, Rutledge, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Going with the flow might get you there faster, but usually leads to a waterfall.

finding a muse, is not hard to do.
get some sense, check your morals.

is this the path you wish to take.
Loving someone is not a game to fake.

Falling deeply for someone,
who is just there with a knife in your back.

Stop this fleeing, come face to face.
Is it destiny or, just simple fun?

I have never hated anyone,
but there is a first for everything.

How did you think this would go?
Based on your gun, not well at all.
I'm blessed to say, that you can''t stay.
I promise i wont break this promise when i kick you out.

Play with my heart, i don''t mind... its better that it gets some use....

The author's comments:
Just a piece that seems to fit most relationships, not mine luckily.

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