Let Me Give You Some Advice | Teen Ink

Let Me Give You Some Advice

February 9, 2012
By Meghan Collins GOLD, So. Plainfield, New Jersey
Meghan Collins GOLD, So. Plainfield, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

No one knows what happened in that split second.
From zero to sixty what once was
Stable is lost among the multihued blurs.
You’re stomach dropped down while your vision stood still,
But the world as we know it swirled past.

The once silence was turned to sudden roaring.
Your mind will, in fact,
Try to play tricks as it struggles to comprehend.
The heart,
It won’t slow the adrenalines too fast.
Nothing will be the same,
And you know that.

The change must be
Permanent, irrevocable, uncertain.
Nothing is the same,
And therefore you must cope.
Your vision will get sharper
As you try not to lose self-control.

I know your head will reel back
As that vertigo dropping kicks in.
You will give in to this freedom,
Let it take all control.

He will feed you these feelings
That will elevate your heart.
No one has evoked
Such feelings as these.
He’s man.

You will quit maintaining your
Your firm grip,
I beg you please from bended knee
Will your head to stop spinning.

Just keep it together,
We know what is to come.
These feelings will come
And these feelings will go
Around and around
On your racetrack life.

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