Look at what you doing | Teen Ink

Look at what you doing

February 7, 2012
By ShyGirlalways101 GOLD, Dover, Delaware
ShyGirlalways101 GOLD, Dover, Delaware
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
love is a war

Can you see what you are doing to me your messing up my head. Just hearing your name makes everything gett cloudy and i can't think straight lately when i hear your name i don't what say some anger then my heart achs whenever i try stay mad. Your smile makes my sun rise. Your my world my everything yet this fighting is destroying my heart. Where have we days where we both had everything we ever wanted in each other. Your all i want but am i what you want still i know this must be hurting you same as me or more. I wanna let you in but i'm scared of what you might see and think after i do. Your destroying all that we ever was and so am i all blame is not put on one sept all on us. These constent attempts to be one who will win is scaring each other. I cry in pain yet the tears are inside me where no one can see it. My heart weaps in pain knowing what is going on. I wear mask and act like i don;t care and act as if this means nothing to me but if only you could see what is being hid under mask it would make you think diffrent of me. My mind has drifted away my heart is weaping in pain my mask is about fall off holding back all the stuff that i hide behind it. My heart has drifted away little into sea of saddness where no one can find me. Part of me has riped off and is no where be found.

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