thsi world has its ups and downs | Teen Ink

thsi world has its ups and downs

January 24, 2012
By terras. SILVER, Bowie, Maryland
terras. SILVER, Bowie, Maryland
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

this world has its ups and downs
feeling a sense of sadness
but its just another emotion that comes around
its kinda like when you have dreams
wondering how its gonna play out
either books or movie scenes
sometimes i wonder if this writing is really a gift
"you just keep writing terra"
"all you need is practice and a little lift"
and then they ask why my poems are so depressing
but sometimes its the only way to go
i write my emotions on paper
hoping that my tears wont show
and then i wonder why life has to be filled wit so much drama
like i want to have a full sentence
but somehow this sentence always gets broken down in commas
this world has its ups and downs
feeling a sense of sadness
but its justanother emotion that comes around

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