How do I go on | Teen Ink

How do I go on

January 30, 2012
By Anonymous

Sitting on the couch as the television rambles on about the daily news I begin to daydream
Imagining once before where there were two figures where I am now instead of my lonesome self
It seems like so long ago but I guess that is what my despair has led me to believe
Time and time again I move out of this spot and wonder hoping to replace the emptiness I feel
Except the cherishing rush I used to receive only is given to the other whom and boredom travels within me
Leaving just as I was before and maybe even worse filled with guilt from my coping methods
When, how, or why this has happened to me I will never understand, but I’ll just have to face that I’m not meant to be happy
I touch the power button on the remote with my middle finger turning off the T.V.
This is what my life has become …just a blank screen drowning into nothingness.

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