America's Silent Cry | Teen Ink

America's Silent Cry

January 26, 2012
By Anonymous

I shed one tear
For the starving poor,
Who live in pain and fear.
Their happiness, a dream
And nothing more.

I shed ten tears
For the soldier wives,
Facing a future unclear.
Scared of losing their loved ones
On the front lines.

I shed fifty tears
For the ill young ones,
Depraved of life's full years
As cancer takes it's toll,
And Death has begun.

I shed a hundred tears
For the world we know,
Changing over the years
Into something deadly,
Where peace is unknown.

I shed a thousand tears
As each new danger
Continues to draw near,
Turning a trusted ally
into a stranger.

You would shed your tears
If you saw each scar
That pain leaves on people here.
You would shed all your tears
If you had a heart.

The author's comments:
This is for all the people suffering here in America, and for anyone else suffering the consequences of war and economic crash.

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