the wild | Teen Ink

the wild

January 26, 2012
By ShyGirlalways101 GOLD, Dover, Delaware
ShyGirlalways101 GOLD, Dover, Delaware
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
love is a war

Its like being in the wild wild we have our kings of all then the followers then the wanna be's then it gos on and on. Each have a higher up the one who tells the others what to do and all waiting to take someones place in the pack for one to go to take there place. One weakness can take you down in blink of a eye faster then they know it. All waiting for your down fall or the moment you make one mistake. There eyes are always watching its like rumors are the water they drink. They all have thurst for rumors no matter what status they are in. The weak gets tooken down the fastest and the smartest and fastest survive the longest but sooner or later they get tooken down too.

The author's comments:
its about how high school is like

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