Lips Upon Lips, Arms Around Hips | Teen Ink

Lips Upon Lips, Arms Around Hips

January 16, 2012
By itsgraacex3 GOLD, New York, New York
itsgraacex3 GOLD, New York, New York
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We’re a house build from
Lips upon lips, arms around hips
Run your hands down my sides
Send chills up my spine
Square of my back, nape of your neck
Warm me up with your spidery touch
We’re a whirlwind of
Love and lust
They're one in the same in this moonlight.
Yet it doesn’t matter, for you are so enticing.
My heart had expanded to make room for it's longing.
And now its rushing out like the blush in my cheeks
I feel you all around me it's so hard to breathe.
Were so in rhythm like a pendulum clock
My legs wind around your waist and you hold me up
Your like a cage, keeping me in
But I don't mind it, for craving has plagued me for so long.
So right now none of this could ever feel wrong.
I know that as our vision gets hazy
And our passion weakens to dazed appeal
I’ll wonder if there’s still a race in your heart.
I’ll wonder if your body and mind are aligned
Or if I was just away to pass the time
But as of now, in the heat of this moment,
I will continue to drink up
The nearness of you
I'll capture memories of the feelings that spin in my head
And the way I feel as we race off to bed.
Your hair between my fingers and my bony arms around your shoulder blades
Don't let me go, your too close to leave me.
The darkness doesn't phase me not when you're here. With your lips on mine everything is so clear.
And When night fades to morning, I won’t regret what I’ve done
Because you'll be even more dazzling in the rising sun.

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