Save Me | Teen Ink

Save Me

January 25, 2012
By nf615 BRONZE, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
nf615 BRONZE, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, and love like you've never been hurt.

I see you with her.
It kills me inside to know you don't like me.
As I stand close to you, you back away.
Is there something wrong with me?
Love is like a storm, pushing me down.
I don't understand your thoughts.
Let me know you, I say.
You just ignore me.
I smile at you.
You smile at her.
Throwing me out into desperation, I know you don't care.
Love is like water, drowning me in an ocean of tears.
The worst part is that you don't know how I feel.
Help me.
My heart aches every time I look at you.
I'm slowly dying inside.
Only you can save me, but I know you won't.
You're to busy saving her.

The author's comments:
A boy in my class stabbed me in the back, and broke my heart. I hope you understand how hurtful other people's actions can be.

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