My Dreams | Teen Ink

My Dreams

January 24, 2012
By ardelidoo2 SILVER, Seattle, Washington
ardelidoo2 SILVER, Seattle, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You can tell me yes all day long, I will come back with no's
You can tell me always all day long, I will come back with never
You can push me all day long, I will come back with strength
It is only I who takes away my dreams
I don't know why
Didn't I create them to begin with?
Now why am I pushing them away?
Am I scared or regretful?
Why am I cowering from my own creations?
Do I dare look ahead?
I feel that all I will see is a deer in head lights
Scared, nervous, sad
Why do I share these dreams if I don't believe in them?
Won't that get your hopes up too?
How do I let you know every aspect of it?
How do I let you know every fear of it?
Can I replace that fear with courage?
Can I replace my weakness's with strengths?
Can I do this in time to meet my dream?
Will I be ready? How do I know?
Can I learn in a short amount of time?
Maybe I should just give up
Then what will I strive for?
For how will I build of my courage and strengths?
I keep going around in circles like a crazed dog
Why are you telling me to open my eyes?
I am awake aren't I?
Do you have another point, should I wake faith?
Faith whispers in my ear to try
I look around and no one is there but me. No one else is stopping me.

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