Why Judge? | Teen Ink

Why Judge?

January 19, 2012
By bluebrymilk GOLD, Brunswick, Maine
bluebrymilk GOLD, Brunswick, Maine
12 articles 1 photo 1 comment

I come from a family
Where we do not fear the word "gay". 
We embrace it, and celebrate it.
Beibg lesbian or bisexual is not something to fear,
They are just other neighbors
Held close to our hearts. 

We do not fear opinions,
Because opinions are the lifeblood of society. 
Without them nothing would change, and nothing would grow. 

When I was young 
I grew up around my mom's friends. 
They were from all walks of life,
All religions, cultures, and sexual orientations.
I grew up to understand their backgrounds,
But never once has that made me love them any less. 

When we are children,
We don't care about our best friend's race,
Whether they have two dads, or none
We just care about them. 

Throughout my life I've moved a lot,
And had many friends. 
But never have I judged them on how they are different from me,
So why should I now? 
Now, when we're in high school
And they've finally come out and said "I'm gay" 

Why should that one difference 
Be so much bigger than the rest?
Just because they aren't the same as me,
It doesn't make them bad. 

What would you do if your child told you "I'm gay" ?
I'm lucky to know that my family will love me no matter what. 

In my family,
We don't care about that,
We care about you, because you're special,
No matter what. 

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This article has 1 comment.

NelsonWong said...
on Dec. 31 2013 at 10:51 pm
Beautiful. Hope you got into Exter!