The Child's Shards | Teen Ink

The Child's Shards

January 19, 2012
By Megan O&#39Rourke BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
Megan O&#39Rourke BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Like the kitchen glass that falls to the floor
A clumsy child with his shaky hands
Breaks the glass again
Struck by a storm of guilt

Tears come to his face
As he frantically apologized
Tried desperately to pick up,
a piece of the shattered remains
Just wanting to make things right
But more tears pour down
As he receives a gash

Crimson fills and drips
Down his fragile hand
Finger becoming an open wound
His scar cannot be closed
Only, if his heart holds strong

He cannot wash away the misery
So easy; so unforeseen his pain came
His heart trembles; and fingers linger
When he sees the
glass shattering.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem in my poetry class. The assignment was to write a love poem and this is what I came up with. Behind the idea of the child breaking the glass, is a much bigger interpretation than what seems to appear. The glass symbolizes the human heart. and our hearts get broken when relationships end or if we know that we screwed up in that relatioinship. it's really all about the emotions we feel when love becomes hard, and sometimes almost unbearable. anyway, I hope you can understand and appreciate the idea i was trying to accomplish adn maybe eeven come up with your own interpretations. enjoy :]

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