That Song | Teen Ink

That Song

January 19, 2012
By Sierrah Trafan BRONZE, Danville, Vermont
Sierrah Trafan BRONZE, Danville, Vermont
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The song plays and she's taken back,
To a time when everything was perfectly intact.
That song plays and her worries are gone.
When she hears it she can't help but sing along.
All the memories, the laughs, the late nights out.
Back when everything was great, no sadness or doubt.
That song plays and her heart feels free,
'Cause it brings her back to the way things used to be.
It brings her back to all those times at the Pit, with her friends,
How they thought the nights would never end.
It brings her back to the smiles, and all the stupid stuff they'd done.
When they were all content to just swing in the sun.
When they'd watch the soccer games and blare their favorite songs.
When they laughed, thinking nothing could go wrong.
When the six of them were together everything was right.
Together until the sun was gone and they had to make their own light.
When they'd get in trouble for disturbing the peace,
But no matter the warnings their singing never ceased.
Nights filled with burnt airheads, bandages and laughter.
Then one of them moved and it just wasn't the same after.
One down, and more to go, but they still smile.
Soccer ended and they didn't talk for awhile.
And even though things ended sour she's still freed by that song,
So whenever it plays she can't help but smile and sing along.

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This article has 1 comment.

nekwriter said...
on Jan. 31 2012 at 8:42 am
nekwriter, Danville, Vermont
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
Well done S!