Texting while you drive | Teen Ink

Texting while you drive

January 19, 2012
By tanner lawson BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
tanner lawson BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a nice summer day,
The sun shining so bright
Everyone enjoying the summer’s warm air
But then you mess it up,
When you rear ended a car it made my day.
It felt good knowing you learned, finally
Learned how dangerous you where,
Looking down upon you, with the phone in hand
You now set it down, thousands of dollars
And many lives on the line. You got lucky
Lucky that you did not end an innocent life,
Due to your ignorance and lack of respect
For human life, when I pass someone,
That is texting and driving I think of you,
Frightened I think of that bloody instrument in your hand
After doing the damage to yourself and someone else
All because you needed that 3 seconds
To read a dumb text that meant nothing
But in return it left you broken
Broken of shame and doubt that this
Really could happen to you. What was left for you?
Nothing, nothing good, you were left with a fine
A fine of a lawsuit and whatever amount the person wants
For their injuries
They beg you, I blame you
The reason I hate people who text and drive.

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