The Meaning of Life | Teen Ink

The Meaning of Life

January 13, 2012
By iblazer BRONZE, Danville, Vermont
iblazer BRONZE, Danville, Vermont
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


It has meaning,
It has purpose,
Will we ever know what these things are?
There is no way to be completely sure.

This question will go unanswered,
Until you decide to make it have one.
Make it have an answer,
Something that might help us through life

Sometimes you’re just not meant to know,
But others have known it since the first time they saw you.
You might not know,
But others can see it.

Some people are here to be the perfect person for another,
Others to help those in need.
It might be your destiny to live a short life,
to show the value of it to others.

Life is all about the future,
Future depends on the decisions you make.
So when you think about it, you hold your own future.
Your life belongs to you,and only you.
Don’t let other people make your decisions for you,
Don’t let them control you destiny, your future.

Life is forgiveness.
We have to live with each other,
And being only human, we make mistakes.
That’s part of life.
You need to forgive those who make those mistakes,
Not just for them, but for yourself.
To tell yourself that you are the person who cares about others,
You’re the one that has a heart that’s open to everyone,
Especially when they need it most.
Forgive because hatred and pain will burn a hole inside you,
Tear you apart at the seams.

Finally, know that this is just a temporary home.
We are here to learn lessons and make mistakes.
No matter where this life will lead us to in the end,
It will all be worth it.
It will be worth the pain,
The love,
The sadness,
The sacrifice.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece while I was deep in thought. I like to think about life a lot and what the meaning is, which inspired me to write down my thoughts. I hope people will think about what life means, not only to them, but to the general population. How we help each other and need each other every day of our lives.

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