Living a Dream | Teen Ink

Living a Dream

January 15, 2012
By Dream11 BRONZE, Nothere, California
Dream11 BRONZE, Nothere, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Think of a time…

When peace was inevitable,
Danger, but a passing thought,
War, a distant nightmare.

When every child had a mother,
To love and be loved
And a father to admire and respect

When intelligence was a gift,
Not to be feared, exploited,
But cherished, and respected.

When every smile reached the eyes
Every word flew from the heart
Every gesture from the soul

When happiness was a common pursuit,
Love, a mutual feeling
Life, an expedition not a trek

Such a time is a dream
That people suffered, worked, spoke for
So let it be us who say, we built a time

…when everything was perfect

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