Only in Green | Teen Ink

Only in Green

January 8, 2012
By xthegetawaymile BRONZE, Zanesville, Ohio
xthegetawaymile BRONZE, Zanesville, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The humble gymnasium carried a scent of sweaty bodies swaying out of time.
The bass spilling out of colossal speaker filled every crack and crevace
Of the makeshift ballroom we had come to know.

I sat idly by breathing in every detail
Every movement of this wild creature
That sickened my very core.

Her fragile bones jutting away from moonlight skin
and all of her wired on a delicate frame.
She moved with the grace and fluidity of silk
That dressed me in a vile green.

Slowly changing my disposition with every single step,
Her head raised high with dignity as she climbes to her rightful place:
A cold marble pedestal towering over my head.
I watched with a deep seeded hatred.
And all i saw was green.

The gentle curve of her dress caressing
Every inch of perfection.
She initiates the distasteful thoughts
That come in violent waves and crash before my eyes.
Many a night have I fantasized about painting her a desolate red...
But sitting in our makeshift ballroom...

I dress her only in green.

The author's comments:
I'm a very jealous person.. It is one of my greatest flaws

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