Away from Home | Teen Ink

Away from Home

January 17, 2012
By steph148 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
steph148 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Michigan girl at heart,
The Great Lakes were her home.
She never thought she’d live off the Pacific,
and now she wouldn’t change a thing.

She spends her days on the beach
as free as one could ever be,
soaking up all the little things.

The smell of the ocean air,
salty and wet.
Warm sand flows through her fingers,
like a waterfall of dust.

She lays there until the sun goes down
and the colors of the California sky
change from blue to fire red.
The air cools and the wind blows
But that’s okay,
she’s here.

The heavy breeze sends her brown hair flowing,
and strands get tangled with the wind.

As she watches the waves splash upon the shore,
and the crowded beach becomes a desert,
she realized;

She fell in love with this place.
and in this moment,
everything is perfect.

But then she remembers,
she’s only a Michigan girl.

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