Cashing My First Paycheck | Teen Ink

Cashing My First Paycheck

December 2, 2011
By Ahsaki_Taylor SILVER, Oak Lawn, Illinois
Ahsaki_Taylor SILVER, Oak Lawn, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Lord show me the way, and If you can't show me a way... forgive me for being lost :)

So much depends upon my stopwatch
Or the urgency to work
Followed by a cashing a check
Money and material things
Anything seemed possible
Wants now became extinct
McDonalds, now my permanent scent
“May, I help you” and manners
Now became my nature instincts
Gaining weight now became an issue
But all I knew
Longs shift
When is this going to end
Blisters and bruises from the machines one my hands
But I kept going to see my check
This way the bittersweet pain of working my first job

The author's comments:
This was inspired by my first job, Mc Donalds. How hard work pays off, literally.

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