Lost Roads | Teen Ink

Lost Roads

December 19, 2011
By Ahsaki_Taylor SILVER, Oak Lawn, Illinois
Ahsaki_Taylor SILVER, Oak Lawn, Illinois
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Lord show me the way, and If you can't show me a way... forgive me for being lost :)

Lost on a road leading to nowhere, only I foolish enough to travel. The ones that love me says it's troubled not knowing i'm testing my faith...

No map nor compass only a heart that's determined to find another route. Although it's weary and sometimes lonely, I hold my head high and keep walking. Every stride is for every voice that told me once I couldn't. Many nights I cry, though I don't understand why, maybe it's the pain that's eatting me inside to know that my kin aren't as genuine as they appear. Did my short skirts or belly shirts make them reform. I'm confused ,and angry because I don't comprehend what I did. To make animosity build so strong, they'd want to cause me grief. Not everything that smile is friendly ,not every hug is warm. Every dollar isn't valueble, and my time is limited. So I began my journey...

Lost on a road leading to nowhere, only I foolish enough to travel. The ones that love me says it's troubled not knowing i'm testing my faith...

My first instincts tells me to turn back, but my soul longs for more. I know that someone, somewhere there's a vision idenitical to mine. Tho moments frighten me not knowing where this path may lead me. It can only get better because where im coming from it the terrible. Life is greater than this I know for sure. My shoes are tearing from all the miles I walk. These shoes arent ment for walking. Only for the false enhancement of life. Nothing can hold me back. I remove them along with the clothes on my back. I'm leaving the past and all it's belongings, eff this world you can have it back. All I need is the ambition that's drove me thus far. In the life i'm headed the material things won't matter. My trip might take days, years, or my lifespan. The duration isnt significant as long as I tried. The desire that lies beneath me can't be taken for granted. Imma walk till my legs gives in and my heart stop pumping, and have hope till I see heaven doors...

Lost on a road leading to nowhere, only I foolish enough to travel. The ones that love me says it's troubled not knowing i'm testing my faith.

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