Birthdays | Teen Ink


January 13, 2012
By CarlyCola BRONZE, Edgewater, Maryland
CarlyCola BRONZE, Edgewater, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It only comes once a year.
From when you are born,
to your last days.
A number showing how long you have lasted in this world.
Every person has that special day,
doesn’t matter what race or religion.
Some celebrate it,
while others dread it.
Either way,
you can’t escape it.

Some years are more memorable than others.
Sweet 16,
Begin to drive.
Become an adult.
Go get drunk.
Any age that ends with a 0,
now a decade older.
Once you turn 40,
you may consider counting backwards.

Watch out,
here it comes.
Friends and family gather around,
singing that simple song everyone knows.
The cake glowing brighter than the year before.
Take a glance around and think for a moment about the year you have had.
You’ve made it again.
Another 365 days gone.
Is there anything you would have changed?
Close your eyes,
don’t forget to make a wish.
Deeper breath this time.
Try your best to blow them all out,
without spiting on the cake.

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