Inner battle | Teen Ink

Inner battle

January 13, 2012
By Taya11 SILVER, Park City, Utah
Taya11 SILVER, Park City, Utah
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I was wondering why the ball kept coming closer to me, then it me.

I am blocked,
and in general confused
What am I writing?
Why is my spelling so bad?
Why can’t I focus there seems to be so much to do but I can’t figure it out!
This is maddening!
My assignment is due tomorrow.
Why did I put it off!
Procrastination is a cruel mistress...
How can I possibly get it done.
Ok, lets sit down and focus.
Right after another cup of Hot Coco.
No! Alright, sit down and type.
1, 2, 3, and... Wait!
I think the dog needs a walk,
and the plants need watering!
No, no no no!
Write darn you!
The internet is so appealing.
Here, let me check my email and then I will get it done.
Aww... Look at that adorable cat video!
Argh! No! I have nothing done!
Alright thats it! I give up, I admit defeat. They can fail me as hard as they want...
No! Don’t be a quitter! Work work work!
Alright one last try.
Ah! Yes its finally coming!
But the time is flying buy! Its already past four in the morning!
I need to sleep.
But no!
Just one last paragraph....
And DONE!!
I slam my laptop closed and triumphantly
not a second glance back.
and go up to bed for some good night rest.

When the morning has arrived I am filled with confidence!
Time to ace that paper!
I strut to the bus,
like some overconfident bird.
Sleep deprivation banished to the farthest corner of my mind.
When I get to class I open the page.
Satisfaction emitting in practically tangible waves from me.
Then I see the paper.
Its terrible
Nothing is right.
It is just the word
repeated over and over. ?Almost 200 times.
“Alright children! Time to hand in your papers!”
The devil says sweetly in a sickening sing-song voice.
“My sleep muddled mind interprets it differently
“Alright children! Time for you to DIE!!!”?BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
Oh why cruel fate!
This is just too much!
She asks me where my paper is.
All I can do is whimper an excuse.
She would like to see it.
I try to protest,
but one look for her sends my blood cold.
I show her the paper in defeat,
trying to make a literate excuse
I babble on
about emails
and video cats.
Dogs that need watering
and Plants that need a walk.
Then she just laughs.
And laughs.
And laughs a little more.
The class is laughing to.
But I know one thing,
they are all laughing at me.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 16 2012 at 3:21 pm
billgamesh11 BRONZE, Grafton, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 278 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's always darkest before the dawn." ~Florence and the Machine

This is me vs. Algebra, every night. This really describes what I feel when I try and sit down to do it. Emails, funny videos, and food distract me from it, leaving me at the homework table till 9, every night I really hate how it has become my life, just because of procrastination. So excellent job on this! You really related to what I am feeling, and that is good for a writer to be able to do!!! Great Job and Keep Writing!!! :):):);)