Ode to the Elements | Teen Ink

Ode to the Elements

January 13, 2012
By Emeraldstar SILVER, Bland, Missouri
Emeraldstar SILVER, Bland, Missouri
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments


She gives me life
to renew my strength.
But she is able to take away
when I’m stuck beneath her surface.


I walk across her skin
traveling her every wonder.
But I’m unable to hear
the stories when she was young.


His pride that fills me with warm hope
in the dead of Winter.
But he’s also able to take away
my life when I’m trap with in his fury.


He gives parts of his essences so that I may breathe
every day from now to the day I die.
Without his soul that lives with in me,
would it be like trying to get what wasn’t there?

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