Unattainable Perfection | Teen Ink

Unattainable Perfection

January 12, 2012
By megzies123 BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
megzies123 BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Smith family, near perfection
Faces with beautiful complexion
Bodies way too slender
Personalities, joyous and tender
They never face rejection

The father with loads of money
The stay-at-home wife, his honey
Never needing financial aid
A clean house, thank the maid
Their future always looks sunny

The son that makes his daddy proud
The daughter that draws a crowd
Orderly lives they lead to please
Everything comes to them with great ease
Their dog only goes where it's allowed

Why can't we all be like them?
Divorce plagues us like phlegm
Our people, naive and slobbery
Towns full of obesity and poverty
Shouldn't this be what we condemn?

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