That One Time | Teen Ink

That One Time

January 12, 2012
By jazzzzmineeee BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
jazzzzmineeee BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Remember that one time
That time we said hello for the first time
That time that we kissed and it tasted like
When god turned water into wine?
Remember that one time
When you said I love you
When we made each others dreams come true
When every inch of each other we knew?
That time when my soul parted into two
Like the red sea, it divided, half for me and half for you
But then, we let other people trudge through.
Remember that one time
When she looked at you and he looked at me,
When we both looked at each other and felt like we had been beat?
That one time when hello was replaced with goodbye
And I love you was replaced with no more
Like when I kissed you on the cheek one last time
And felt like Judas betraying Jesus
Because you were my messiah for a while.
But then I let go of you, like I do of most things
And you had no choice but to do the same
Because the only thing that hurts more than having to let go
Is holding on to nothing.
Now im like a candy heart on valentines day
I tell him
‘Be mine’
And say to you
‘Im yours’
But really all im thinking is
‘Kiss me?’
And you look at me sometimes,
As I walk with my fingers tangled in his.
I smile up at him, but dart my eyes back to you.
You look at me like
its not okay
But you forgive me any way
That’s the worst.
Remember that time
I compared myself to paul
And I denied knowing you once, twice, three times
When really all I was thinking about was going home to get to know you better
Remember that time
I held your hand to and from school
But never while we were there
Because I was embarrassed by whom I was spending time with
Now time is up.
The clock is striking midnight
Im turning from a princess to a pumpkin
Im running from royalty
And everyone is seeing that im a fraud
Youre not changing
Im just seeing you clearly for once
For this time
Im the pauper
Youre the prince
And I had you
But I let you go.
Think of me
As that
“in another life”
Kind of girl
In another life
I wouldn’t be saying remember that one time
This would be the time
Time for me to love
Time for me to hold on tight
Time for me to never let you go
But that’s not where we are
Where we are is just
Remember that one time?

The author's comments:
This piece is about realizing that you messed up. It describes two of my past relationships; the first ended with myself and my boyfriend falling for other people, and the second ended with me being ashamed of his dorky characteristics despite how great of a guy he was. I hope it makes readers think about who they spend time with and how they let relationships fall apart for unworthy reasons.

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