Not Knowing | Teen Ink

Not Knowing

January 10, 2012
By JGP443 BRONZE, Hull, Massachusetts
JGP443 BRONZE, Hull, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One mother, two children, one driver.
Meet for the first time on November 29, 2011 down the road from my home.
Sirens, lights, two med flights commence surrounding my humble abode.
All is interrupted by the ringing of my mother’s telephone.

“Are Jess and Josh at home?” Two children were hit while crossing in front of the carousel down by the beach.”
Thoughts fill my mind which child could it be?
One from Girl Scouts, Park and Rec., my internship or up the street?
Dozens of faces flood my mind flickering through my memory.

The thought makes me shiver and buckle at the knees,
Two children hit by a truck - this could not be.
I need to know more information but on the radio and TV. no one says a thing.
Looking to the computer, there is but a blank screen.

An hour passes and the story finally hits the news.
The family does not reside in Hull and the mother (age 39) and daughter (age 11)
Are hospitalized, and thankfully only badly bruised.
But the boy (age 10) was not as fortunate as the rest;
He was flown to Mass General for multiple medical treatments and tests.

The once commonplace crosswalk is now the scene of a crushing crime.
Outlines of figures drawn in paint are now prominent fixtures
Between the plain thick white lines.
A meager month that feels as if it were only a measly minute has since cruised by.
There has been no follow ups or updates on the news or online.
I will never know the names of those children nor the outcome of their lives.
But there will never be a day I go by the carousal and not think of that crime.

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