Hiding Hope | Teen Ink

Hiding Hope

January 10, 2012
By urhere3 PLATINUM, Girard, Ohio
urhere3 PLATINUM, Girard, Ohio
25 articles 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life goes by fast If you don't stop and look around once and awhile, you just might miss it." - Ferris Bueller

Under all that clutter.
All that mess.
All that nonsense you put out there.
That image that you promote for yourself.
Is the sweetest, most caring person to live.
Stop lieing.
Stop trying to prove you are something your not.
Your making me sick.
Talking about how bad you are.
How hard life is.
Embrace it.
Dig into that mess.
Let the you I've seen come out.
Let it shine.
In all its glory.
Because you are an amazing person my friend.
And the second you show that,
The second you reach into all that clutter,
Under the dirty clothes and the old toys and memories you've thrown aside to "better" yourself,
You'll find hope.
Hope for the world.
And hope for yourself.
Maybe then you'll be that amazing person we all know you can be.
Start digging.

The author's comments:
Be yourself. Don't change to fit in with a group cuz they're "cool". Or even because you don't think you fit in with anyone else, so you change to a depressed lower standard of yourself. Your not being honest. Be you. The real you. Because that person is perfect. Just the way he/she is.

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