Do You Know. | Teen Ink

Do You Know.

January 6, 2012
By HeyItsKaylaMay SILVER, Alexandria, New Hampshire
HeyItsKaylaMay SILVER, Alexandria, New Hampshire
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Do you know how it feels,
to lay in your bed,
crying out your eyes,
and ripping the hair from your head?
Held down by emotions,
you kick and thrash,
while everything around you,
just seems to burn and crash?
Trying to change yourself,
skipping a meal.
Telling the people you love,
how you really feel?
Not controlling your life,
having no one to trust.
Controlling your appearance,
but your mind about to bust?
Feeling overwhelmed,
feeling all the stress.
Finally realizing,
you will never need a wedding dress?
Trying to explain,
trying to get you to see,
that I need you.
I need someone to help me.

The author's comments:
I've been writing poetry since I was able to pick of a pen. No, I used pen instead of pencil. When I write my words I want it to be in something permanent, something that just can't easily be erased. I want my love for writing to get noticed. I want to inspire the youth of the nation to make something of themselves.

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