Dreaming - a nocturnal state of mind | Teen Ink

Dreaming - a nocturnal state of mind

January 7, 2012
By Evelynamanda BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
Evelynamanda BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Who am I? I don’t even know who I have become
A person with no soul and no care in the world
Doesn’t care what happens 5 minutes from now, even if the world is going to end
If it did end, I would be somewhat happy,
Who have I become, with these dark shadows tracing slowly behind me, watching every move I make
I feel like I am nothing, nothing to the world,
Nothing to THEM
I am no use to anyone, not even my own self.
Everything I do is lie; I rip people’s heart out
Then tear it into tiny shreds
Something tells me to stop
But I cant , im addicted
Addicted to the adrenaline it brings me
But what else can I do
I have no friends, nothing
Its just me against the world that I destroyed
I realize the shadows are doing this to me, they are overriding my mind,
Making me believe that what I do is real , but it is just a scary dream
A dream I cannot wake up from
But there is one thing the shadows don’t have,… CONTROL
I am able to control what is created
So with this powerful Control I have obtained, I Destroy the shadows and every wrong thing with it, Then…. I wake up
It was just a DREAM.. a nocturnal state of mind.

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