The Southern Drawl | Teen Ink

The Southern Drawl

December 20, 2011
By Cheyenne shortt BRONZE, Corinth, Texas
Cheyenne shortt BRONZE, Corinth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Your southern drawl enticed me. It kept me lingering after each word you spoke. I loved when you called me baby with you thick southern accent. But, I should have known better. All along it was just a gimmick. How could I be so foolish? I knew the rumors were true but you pulled the wool right over my eyes. I loved how you flattered me every chance you got but when it came to the fateful Monday and you chewed my heart and spit it back out. I was broken, I could no longer see the light at the end of the tunnel. Over time I healed . Once in a blue moon you call me and its just not the same as it was. Now instead of flattery you just want to hell fire spit venom at me for no reason. Since when did I deserve this?

The author's comments:
Plain Foolishness

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