Those Four Words | Teen Ink

Those Four Words

December 29, 2011
By Anonymous

All hope has left,
Flown out the window,
When you said those four little words.
Why must I be the only one left?
The only one alone?
Who shall I whisper comments to?
Who shall I make fun of with?
No longer is it the same,
For you have someone else,
But I only have you,
And you have replaced me.
Why must we grow,
To leave our best friends,
The ones who have been there forever,
And replace them with a partner of the opposite sex?
For you have done so,
Leaving me all alone,
To hang out with your boyfriend,
While I mourn the loss,
Of my best friend.
We used to talk,
Laugh till we couldn’t breathe,
Go on epic mission,
That only we could achieve,
But now that is all the past,
And you live in the present.
You have replaced me,
But I refuse to do the same,
I still mourn your lost soul,
As I sit here,
Where we used to sit,
Laughing and talking,
But no more shall that be.
This is now my place,
While you are out,
With your boyfriend.
Why did you have to replace me,
With him?
When he hurts you,
I will kill him,
But our friendship,
Isn’t the same,
As when we were eight,
Swinging around.
Why did you replace me?
Did I do something to anger you?
Or did you just tire of me?
It all changed,
When you said those,
Four awful,

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