Winter's Evening | Teen Ink

Winter's Evening

January 4, 2012
By juuliagulia BRONZE, Denville, New Jersey
juuliagulia BRONZE, Denville, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The smell of wood and trees
Circling underneath my nose
The touch of smooth rock
Upon which I sat
Relaxed, calm
The whisper of cool wind
Caressing my cheek
My thoughts, loud
Erupting in my mind
Eyes wide open
To the green and brown landscape
The fading sun behind the trees
The subtle sound of an airplane
Passing over my head
I am calm
Waiting, wondering, wishing
A small squirrel breaks my serenity
Its miniature paws thundering
Across leaves and through the grass
The air is chilled
Growing colder with time
I rise and begin to walk
Taking myself farther and farther from the serenity
On that cold winter’s evening

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