This River | Teen Ink

This River

January 4, 2012
By Anonymous

The glassy surface,
Reflects the sheer canyon walls,
Everything calm,
Except for the threat steadily approaching.

Water rushes,
It laps against the stones,
Each rock,
Shapes the current.

The deep roar of the rapid,
White water crashes all around,
Rolling waves,
And whirling eddies.

We try to manage it,
Stiff paddles and ores,
Pierce the frothy surface,
Through this high flow.

The raft unbalanced,
Dodging the ledge holes,
In an effort stay afloat,
Pushes the limits of security.

Natures strength and definition,
Contrasts delicate life,
Forcing us to learn,

Ores in my palms,
I begin to feel the raft,
Respond to each roll of my wrist,
Learning adjustment.

Our home,
the sandy shores of the river,
Where the reeds grasp the banks,
Struggling not to get swept away.

The horizon Jagged as torn paper,
No sign of civilization,
Our reliance,
Deep in the wilderness.

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